
Always Have A Blog For Your Web Site Wholesale

Blogging these days has become a way of life for people that never before had a vehicle to write about what they are thinking. What started out as a personal dairy of sorts is now used for just about everything on the Internet today.For your online success, your web site should have at least one Blog on it if not two.Reason For Two BlogsThe first Blog on your web site should only have information on it about your company and web site. It can be about new products that you have to offer or about current products for them to check out or direct them to your free offer etc…In each Blog post should be links to other parts of your web site. This not only helps for search engines to index your site but also it is a wonderful place to keep your customers informed about your web site and it's products and services.This particular Blog is a great place to have your Google adsense ads in place as well as any affiliate type programs you might have to offer or even your Amazon account links so that anything they buy from Amazon from your links, you still make a commission.You also will want to have a comment box so that your customers can leave comments about your Blog article or Lights & Indicator web site in general. You can always edit or remove these comments if they turn out to be a bit offensive or very negative to your business.The Second BlogThe reason for this second Blog is to give an opportunity for you're your guest to post an article or such on your web site.You set this up as a Blog that they must fill out a small application Wholesale Professional Tools or registration form before they can post their article. Also you must have a TOS (terms of service) in place so with all the rules spelled out about what they Quad Band Cell Phones can or cannot post and they also must include a link to your web site at the end of their article.By creating this particular guest Blog you are adding free content for your site and you can perhaps draw some more customers from the followers of some of your guests Blogs.The Whole PointTraffic, traffic, traffic. Everything you do with your marketing techniques should be geared to drive traffic to your web site. Do things a bit different than everyone else; create a buzz about your web site and products.By having a guest Blog you can even arrange with your guest to exchange links from their Blog to yours if they have one.Every time you make a new post on your Blog, send out an email to everyone on your opt-in list letting them know about the new post as well and any particular product or sale you might be having.Always move your products around and offer sales or discount through the month on certain product and always have some free stuff to give out as well.As the saying goes "If you build it, they will come".

