
The 4 Channel Digital Video Recorder in Action

Car dealerships have many eventful days during business hours. Every time something would go wrong I would have to go out there and sit down with the general manager and go through the videos with him. Sometimes it was because something was stolen, and sometimes it was because a customer was complaining about something not right with their car after they brought it in for service. So here we go with a couple of stories.

One time a guy brought his car video recorder sg in to have a recall fixed. He had the car for about 2 weeks or so and wanted it washed before he got it back. There was a stain in the carpet of the car in the backseat that his child had spilled something on. He just simply wanted the stain removed and the car washed and cleaned since it was brand new. Well he got the car back at the end of the day and everything seemed fine. He went home on the highway and he noticed that there was a lot of noise that shouldn't have been there, wind noise to be exact. So he didn't think much of, just thought it was windy that day. He went to work the next day and noticed the same noise again, so he started trying to figure out what happened and why there was noise. Well turns out he got someone else to drive the car video camera so he could listen to what was up.

He put his head towards the floor because he thought he heard the noise from where his feet were. He then felt some air coming in the car from beneath the floor. So he pulled up the mat and look around and he found a hole in his floorboard. He started looking though the rest of the car and found 3 more holes that looked like drill holes. So he went back to the dealership and showed the general manager what he had found.

They both tried to figure out what happened and started talking. The man said he didn't notice it until after he brought his car back in for the recall. So they called me and I came in. We opened up the files on the auto dvr recorder, and found his car getting washed, so we watched it. The guy, who was cleaning the car, took the pressure washer and sprayed the entire inside of his car down to wash the carpet. Then in order to get the water to drain out, he drilled 4 holes in the car. We all just looked at each other in silence. We were so amazed that someone would even think about doing that. That same day he got fired and the gentlemen got his car fixed.

